Honeymoons are an excellent way to begin your life together as a couple, but they can be really expensive at the same time. While you may be tempted to go into debt, that truly isn’t the best way to begin your married life. Thankfully, there are many things you can do to budget for your honeymoon!
1. Take Advantage of Rewards from Credit Cards
This tip is only going to be helpful if you can pay your credit cards off in full each month, so please proceed with caution! Some credit cards will give you a percentage of your charges back to put towards travel, while others will give you cash. If you charge all your monthly expenses and pay the card off in full every month, you can rack up a lot of points to use for your honeymoon.
2. Consider the Season in Your Dream Destination
As you are planning your wedding and honeymoon, you may want to consider the season of where you want to go. If possible, try to travel during low season, because it will save you a bunch of money in the end. This will ensure that you do not go over budget and have plenty of money left over for a few fun adventures when you get home. If your dream destination is busy when you plan on taking your honeymoon, and your budget can’t support it, consider postponing your trip or choosing a new destination.
3. Create a Honeymoon Savings Account
All those days and months leading up to your honeymoon are perfect for saving money for the big event. I recommend setting aside as much money as you can into a separate honeymoon savings account. By placing this money into a separate account, you will not be tempted to use it for anything else that comes up.
4. Create a Honeymoon Registry
As wonderful as all those new small appliances and towels will be for your new home, some of your guests will prefer to give you cash for your wedding gift. There will also be those guests who want to know what you truly want on your special day and those are the people you can direct to a honeymoon registry. They will have the satisfaction that they gave you what you really wanted, and you will have more money for your honeymoon.
5. Consider All-Inclusive Resorts
Depending on where you want to go for your honeymoon, you may be better off choosing an all-inclusive resort to get the most for your money. This can be helpful if you have a smaller budget, but big plans. I can help you determine whether an all-inclusive is going to be your best option, so feel free to set up an appointment to chat.
These are five helpful ideas for budgeting for your honeymoon, but there are many other ways you can have your dream trip as a couple. We would love to help you plan the perfect honeymoon with the budget you have, so give us a call and let us handle the details of your dream honeymoon!
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